• Please note that this site is under ongoing development. I could do with some voluntary help, so if you are interested in doing something worthwhile, let me know.
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It is not only the injured who are affected when Brain Trauma occurs

This site is a source of global information for those who need assistance with regard to the effects of Brain Injury.

Each of the National tabs (above) will provide the reader with a list of organisations in that country which can offer support, care, and/or guidance to those suffering from a Brain Injury, their family and friends.

The information contained on these pages is blatantly and unashamedly copied from various sites around the web for the express benefit of those affected by brain injury, and no apology for that fact will be forthcoming.

Should any information become out-of-date then I do apologise for that; I cannot watch all the sites all the time, I have a life to rebuild.  Likewise as there is a lot of data to key in to this it would be unfair if I were held responsible for any inaccuracies or omissions.

Finally… I have realised that this is a massive project, so if there are any kind-hearted souls out there who feel they have a few hours to spare all help would be appreciated.

Thank you.

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